All day The 92nd Street Y, New York Announces Harkness Dance Center – Celebrating 90 Years, Featuring Performances from Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE and PHILADANCO! Manhattan
All day The 92nd Street Y, New York Announces Harkness Dance Center – Celebrating 90 Years, Featuring Performances from Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE and PHILADANCO! Manhattan
10 – 11 am Musiquita Ages: 4 and underFamily Music Community United Methodist Church, Jackson HeightsJackson Heights
2 – 3:30 pm Tres Gatos en Chicarraton – Obra teatral para niños en español. Art Theater El Barrio’s Artspace PS109El Barrio-Manhattan NYC
March 6, all day The 92nd Street Y, New York Announces Harkness Dance Center – Celebrating 90 Years, Featuring Performances from Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE and PHILADANCO!
March 8, 4 pm Bilingual Birdies Brings Music and Dance to the Museum: Experience this Fun Filled Latin Adventure Staten Island Children’s Museum