Cargando Eventos


Gov­er­nors Island Egg Hunt

March 30, 10 am3 pm.

Back for a sec­ond year, this pop­u­lar spring­time event will see 50,000 can­dy-filled eggs spread across sev­er­al areas of Gov­er­nors Island, along with an Island-wide scav­enger hunt that every­one can take a crack at and an addi­tion­al hunt for chil­dren ages 5 and under.

All egg hunts are first come, first served as sup­plies last, and will take place con­tin­u­ous­ly through­out the day. Please bring your own bag/​basket. Eggs will be filled with candy.

All Ages Egg Hunt: 10am-3pm in the South Island Park
5 & Under Egg Hunt: 10am-3pm in Ham­mock Grove
Island-wide Scav­enger Hunt: 10am-3pm, South Island Park

All non-egg hunt event activ­i­ties will take place in Colonels Row.

10AM-3PM: Meet the Bun­ny pho­to op, give­aways with Tony’s Cho­colone­ly, crafts with Red Hook Art Project
10AM-1PM: Meet the Earth Mat­ter Chickens
10AM & 1PM: The Lit­tle Red Hen, a pup­pet show by Won­der­Spark Puppets
11:30AM & 2:30PM: Bom­bas­tic Bub­ble show, pre­sent­ed by Bubbledad

Food will be avail­able for pur­chase onsite from Gov­er­nors Island ven­dors Mak­i­na Café and Lit­tle Eva’s, along­side food trucks includ­ing NAO’s Caribbean Fla­vors, Yan­kee Doo­dles, Par­adise Taquil­la, and Deploy Cof­fee.

No pre-reg­is­tra­tion is required, and the event is rain or shine. Please note, with heavy vis­i­tor traf­fic anticipated to Gov­er­nors Island dur­ing the Egg Hunt, it is strong­ly rec­om­mend­ed that you reserve fer­ry tick­ets in advance.


Ferries depart from 10 South Street, Manhattan and Pier 6, Brooklyn Bridge Park
New York, United States